Festive Activities, Outings and Entertainment

December has been a very busy time, packed full of seasonal outings and festive entertainment for our residents, families, and staff here at Queens View Harbour.
Christmas Dining
We have had a selection of afternoon teas at our local well-known garden centre, we have shopped till we dropped at Silverburn and have had very special seasonal dining afternoons for both our ladies and our gents.

We have enjoyed seeing families coming together from Ayrshire and beyond, enjoying time together at this special time of year. We have also had many choirs, nursery and school visits and a special visit from the Salvation Army who touched the hearts of many with their well-chosen selection of traditional carols and prayers.

These festive events took place to celebrate the lead-up to Christmas for residents, families, friends and staff. It's always such a special time of year for everyone at Queens View Harbour, and so the team make great efforts to organise a variety of activities and events to get everyone excited for Christmas and to bring everyone together.
Photos and feedback from recent events have been excellent. One new resident said she’s not stopped dancing since she came in!
All our activities, outings and events have brought so much joy and happiness to us all here at Queens View Harbour. So from our home to yours, we wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.
For more information on the activities and outings that we enjoy please get in touch, we'd love to invite you for a tour of our home.